About Me

There was no doubt as a little girl I presented talents of a musician. From knocking on tables to banging on buckets-I truly had something lined up but never in my wildest dreams did I begin to imagine I was to conquer such an amazing instrument-my beloved Tubbel.

Over 20 years on and I still think of the days where I was ignored, laughed at and sometimes asked to sit down! Now the people who did that no longer have a name in the industry or have been totally forgotten! Any musician goes through much turmoil to get to where they want to be-I know-but can you imagine being the only female in probably the world who dared to pick up the Tubbel?

Naturally my parents were not going to be easy on such a decision, but it was mine to make and my empire to build and my cross to bear.
No,  I am not the best but I with all my heart do my best and this is what this page is dedicated to.
A loving thankyou to my beautiful husband who even though of Assyrian descent has taken my values and made them his own-but never forgetting his. Thankyou for being by myside and giving us two beautiful children.

My family, village and friends for their constant support throughout my life.
I also dedicate this page to every musician who plays from the heart; I pray that you’re safely guided through every step of the way; because music like politics has sides. If you choose to change then change for the better. Rhonda A Danili

There are no boundaries in what you dream. CONQUER! Rhonda




Where did the Tubbel originate?

There are many theories as to where the Tubbel originated. Indians like to think that it may have been originated from the tabla; others may think it derived from an Assyrian Davula; many also think that the Turkish may have come up the idea of a double-sided bass drum. In my honest opinion, drums like the invention of the wheel; drums were invented by many of the world’s first civilised cultures.

History tells us drums can be traced back almost six thousand years, whether it was the Levant, particularly Phoenicia; Mesopotamia or even from the Inca’s. The purposes of the drums were for communication, mostly in battle. In saying this, the tubbel came out of celebrations, the call to war and victories. Hence, drums being used at weddings and other occasions.

The Tubbel is a uniquely designed two membrane side Instrument, usually made from animal hide and a wooden shell. The hide is stretched over on each hollow side of the shell, which is then bound together with rope. Modern times turning only in the past 17 years, have increasingly modernised the look of the tubbel by using plastic drum skins that are a more durable.

The “Tak” side (to the right hander is generally to the left) is a thinner drum head or “skin” that creates a sharper sound; uses a thin straight like stick commonly made of sugar cane or bamboo. The “Doum” side is the main striking and impact side, is commonly thicker than the “Tak,” obviously to be able to take such blows to the centre. The doum stick is thicker and curved towards the top, designed not to harm the skin and drum head whilst being beaten to create a deep bass sound. Infact the words tak and doum in Arabic are the descriptions of the sound on impact.

How is it held?
The Tubbel is worn around the neck having the “tak” arm brought through to create a better comfort to holding the drum but also to have better control. The drum commonly sits on the outer thigh or hip (depending how high the musician likes to position it) and is held down with minimal force by the thumb muscle on the edge of the drum head.